Account Deletion | CATCH Power
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Data retention, deletion, and destruction for Monocle data within the CATCH Power app. 

Microsoft has a Data Handling Standard policy for Microsoft 365 that specifies how long customer data is retained after deletion. There are generally two scenarios in which customer data is deleted:

  • Active Deletion: The tenant has an active subscription and a user or administrator deletes data, or administrators delete a user.

  • Passive Deletion: The tenant subscription ends.

Data Retention

For each of these deletion scenarios, the following table shows the maximum data retention period, by data category and classification:

Data CategoryData ClassificationDescriptionExamplesRetention Period

Customer DataCustomer ContentContent directly provided/created by admins and users

Includes all text, sound, video, image files, and software created and stored in Monocle data centers when using the services in CATCH Power of the most commonly used CATCH Power applications that allow users to author data include 'The Monocle'and Çonfigurator App'data.

Customer content also includes customer-owned/provided secrets (passwords, certificates, encryption keys, storage keys)Active Deletion Scenario: at most 30 days

Passive Deletion Scenario: at most 180 days

Customer DataEnd User Identifiable Information (EUII)Data that identifies or could be used to identify the user of a CATCH Power EUII does not contain Customer contentUser name or display name (DOMAIN\UserName)

User principal name (name@domain)

User-specific IP addressesActive Deletion Scenario: at most 180 days (only a tenant administrator action)

Passive Deletion Scenario: at most 180 days

Personal Data
(data not included in Customer Data)End User Pseudonymous Identifiers (EUPI)An identifier created by CATCH Power tied to the user of a CATCH Power. When combined with other information, such as a mapping table, EUPI identifies the end user

EUPI does not contain information uploaded or created by the customerUser GUIDs, PUIDs, or SIDs

Session IDsActive Deletion Scenario: at most 30 days

Passive Deletion Scenario: at most 180 days

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